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April 14, 2021 2 min read

The much-awaited holiday season is upon us, and along with that, so is the question of how we’re going to celebrate this year. Are we going to celebrate with the traditional annual friends and family dinner? Will we simply shrink the get-together and keep it restricted to just our close-ones? Or will we choose to cook, eat, and celebrate with everyone virtually?

One thing is clear. This year’s holiday plans should all be about safety, or to put it more precisely —celebrating with safety.

It goes without saying that we’ve neverneeded celebrations and get-togethers more than we do this year. We’re all tired of sitting tight in quarantine for what feels like a lifetime. And we’re all craving a close get-together with all the warmth, hugs, laughter, and catching up. The idea of sitting around a dinner table and eating with our loved ones has never seemed as pleasant and rich as it does now.

And yet, ironically enough, now is the time we needto be more watchful than ever before with the daily caseloads going up faster than they did back in July. 

The U.S. Covid-19 numbers are now breaking global daily records. Only last Friday we recorded more than 99000 new cases, which is the highest number recorded in a single day for any country

Recent data collected from around the U.S. suggests that aThanksgiving dinner celebration among friends and extended family will be just the right place for the infection to spread and reach new people

In line with this finding, Dr. Anthony Fauci recently pointed out,

If you look around the country now, many of the infections are in small family and friend gatherings, such as dinner parties and small social gatherings." 

Fauci and CDC Director Robert Redfield, both have warned that small gatherings are driving up numbers in Covid-19 cases around the nation. 

CDC says the safest way to celebrate Thanksgiving this year is to have a small dinner with "only people who live in your household." 

Adding any outside guests to the table will simply put everyone’s safety in question. And it’s worse for those who are already living with medical conditions, are older, or more vulnerable. 

Health authorities have warned that these little gatherings are inherently risky and can serve as super-spreading events. Fauci said,

"These innocent family and friends gatherings: six, eight, 10 people come together in someone's home, you get one person who's asymptomatic and infected, and then all of a sudden four or five people in that gathering are infected. That's the exact scenario that you're going to see on Thanksgiving."