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April 14, 2021 2 min read

Most of America is headed in the wrong direction. New Covid-19 cases are rising in 28 states and we’ve already recorded more than 200,000 deaths. While the numbers have gotten worse and the future’s looking bleak, it’s only now that the health authorities are informing us about this virus’s airborne transmission.

Surprisingly enough, this finding doesn’t come from the latest research. It’s been known for a few months that aerosol particles and droplets can travel further than 6 feet and linger in the air for long. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) brought this fact to light in July, acknowledging the danger of "micro-droplets" and their effectiveness in virus spread. The organization shared this knowledge with the world after 239 scientists shared this finding and signed it in an open letter.

The WHO has already alerted people to be precautious when entering small indoor spaces with poor ventilation since that is where the risk of contracting the infection from aerosol exposure is higher.

More evidence is now showing that this virus is primarily transmitted via droplets coming out of people’s noses and mouths, as they talk, sneeze, cough, sing and even breathe. Larger droplets pose a small risk since they tend to fall on the nearby surfaces sooner and are generally picked up by touch. That is why we’ve been told to frequently wash our hands.

The problem resides in the super-tiny respiratory droplets that can linger in the air for much longer and can be inhaled like any other aerosol particles. This is why we wear masks

The bottom line for us is that we need to take better care. We need to be MORE vigilant than before. Don’t touch your face, eyes, mouth, nose, wash your hands, maintain good social distancing, and wear a mask. 

The importance of face masks cannot be stressed enough. They are our best defense, in fact, some authorities have gone so far as to liken them to vaccines.